PADI Instructor Development Course - IDC
This course takes the already certified PADI Divemaster to another level. Our dedicated Coral Point Diving Team will introduce you to the PADI system of diver education.
The PADI IDC Course provides you with the tools to train scuba divers in the classroom, confined water and open water.
Our IDC package comprises of three courses PADI Assistant Instructor Course (AI) & PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) and Emergency First Response Instructor Course (EFRI).If you are already qualified in any of the these courses – no problem we can tailor your instructor training accordingly. During the PADI Instructor Development Course (PADI IDC), you will learn the PADI instructor training system of Education. This is accomplished through presenting Confined Water Presentations, Knowledge Development Presentations and Open Water Presentations. Over a minimum of five days, but usually more like seven or nine, the IDC teaches you to conduct all PADI core courses. You'll be able to organize and present information, conduct skill development sessions and control open water dives. Basically, you become a better public speaker and get really good at demonstrating skills while watching out for student diver safety.
The PADI Instructor Development Course (PADI IDC) concludes with a two day Instructor Exam (IE). A representative from PADI will evaluate the skills and knowledge you gained from the PADI IDC and self-study E-Learning. PADI IDC candidates will present a teaching presentation in Confined Water, Knowledge Development, and Open Water. Additionally, the PADI IDC Candidates will give a Rescue Demonstration and pass exams in Standards and Dive Theory.
Upon successful completion of these three courses you will be ready for the PADI IE which is a 2 day standardized, objective evaluation conducted by PADI Instructor Examiners from PADI America who fly to Dominican Republic several times a year.
At Coral Point Diving we conduct our IDC courses directly before the PADI IE so you are fully prepared for the evaluation.
To take this course, you must be:
18 years old
Be certified as a PADI Divemaster or equivalent.
Have 60 logged dives that include experience in night, deep and navigation diving to participate in the PADI Instructor Development Course. You’ll need 100 logged dives to take the Course.
An Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (or qualifying first aid and CPR training from another organization) course completion within the past 24 months.
Be fit for diving and submit a Medical Stetament signed by a physician within the last 12 months.

With this certification you can begin your career in the Scuba world, allowing you to travel the world and find work opportunities in the scuba industry.
Cost $1890
Minimum Duration 12 days
2 PADI Instructor Specialties Included
PADI IDC crew pack and EFR Instructor Manual included
What is NOT included
PADI taxes $1206
2024-2025 PADI IDC/IE Schedule - Bayahibe - Dominican Republic
PADI Course Director Gianluca Lamberti (CD-950247)
Date |
MSDT prep * |
Nov IDC 2024 |
21st Nov-3rd Dec |
4th-5th Dec |
7th - 8th Dec
Feb IDC 2025 |
2nd -14th Feb |
15th-16th Feb |
18th -19thFeb |
May IDC 2025 |
28th May - 9th Jun |
10th- 11th Jun |
13th -14th Jun
Sep IDC 2025 |
5th - 17th Sep |
18th-19th Sep |
21st - 22nd Sep |
Nov IDC 2025 |
20th Nov - 3rd Dec |
4th - 5th Dec |
7th - 8th Dec |
Availability is limited
PADI Instructor Specialties - MSDT

Specialty instructor courses provide valuable teaching tips for meeting the requirements of the course.
You can choose from any of the 27 standard specialty courses that PADI offers along with distinctive specialty courses your Course Director may offer. Having five specialty instructor ratings is a prerequisite for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) rating. The Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating sets you apart from other dive instructors by showing your commitment to continuing your dive training and being prepared to help others continue their training as well.
The MSDT preparation is a package of 5 specialty instructor training courses taught over a period of 2 to 3 days right after our PADI IDC training and the Instructor Exams. Once you have certified 25 students in any PADI course, you will be able to submit your MSDT application.
Cost for each Specialty $ 60 if you have taken your IDC with Coral Point
Cost for each Specialty $ 100 if you haven't taken your IDC with Coral Point.
Special Offer: PADI taxes are $92 each specialty. With PADI if you take 5 you just pay 4 specialties..
Minimum Duration 2-3 days
We are a PADI CAREER Development center
The PADI 5 Star Career Development Center (CDC) classification is awarded to PADI 5 Star IDCs that conduct additional instructor-level training and meet requirements for assisting dive leaders in reaching their educational and professional goals. PADI 5 Star CDCs offer career-oriented training to prepare dive professionals for employment in the dive industry as well as offering job placement assistance for program graduates. PADI 5 Star CDCs are committed to training dive leaders and conducting career development programs.
Why you should take your IDC with us
PADI Dive instructor training and PADI Divemaster internships are your beginning to a great career in a tropical paradise.
Coral Point Diving is a dive school with a huge difference. We are fully dedicated to upholding responsible eco-tourism with marine conservation, safety, and quality being our main priorities.
Through our coral reef conservation projects and coral reef check courses, we strive to promote sustainable business practices that will preserve this tropical island paradise so that it may be enjoyed for generations to come. All over the world reefs are in decline, and scientists with the UN estimate that most could be lost as soon as 2050. Protection, conservation, and restoration are all essential to save what reefs we still have left. Marine conservation has been at the heart of our Coral Point Diving School since it was started over 3 years ago. The New Eco Internship Programs were founded at our dive school to teach divers about coral reef ecology, research, and restoration. We believe that the people most closely connected to the reef should be the ones that care for it, and so are trying to get more and more divers involved in marine education and conservation.
Why should you choose Dominican Republic to do your Training in the Caribbean?
In the Dominican Republic dive centers and resorts are becoming well established and common. There are roughly 44 established diving facilities on the island, however the Dominican Republic can still be identified as a developing market for the diving industries. VISA is easy to obtain and our interns DON'T face the same problems that other students in other Caribbean Country like Mexico.
Our students DON'T have to leave the country after 1 month and can stay up to 3 months, which is a very good option when you want to extend your stay, get the best out of you training and make your diving internship longer, more complet and be get better prepared sop for tre real world.
Our candidate normally find a job on the island within the first 3 weeks, in high season!
Why should you choose Coral Point Diving to do your PADI IDC in the Caribbean?
We conduct the IDC Programs in Bayahibe, a tropical location, which is ideally suited for your Instructor Training. Here are just some of the features and benefits of selecting Coral Point Diving as your Go Pro training facility
IDC and IE in your Native Language
FREE IDC Preparation
FREE Oxygen provider instructor course with the purchase of an IDC
FREE EAN instructor course with the purchase of an IDC
FREE Introduction to our Marine Conservation Programs
FREE Introduction to TEC/SIDEMOUNT
FREE subsequent IDC if candidate fails the IE!
Small Classes
IE Pass Guarantee!!!
2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018 100% First PADI IE Pass Rate
REAL Job placement Assistance
Complementary High-speed ADSL e-mail & internet & Wireless Network
Real World Dive Center learning environment
Competetive Pricing