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FREE DIVING in Bayahibe FROM Coral point DIVING

Coral Point Diving is now offering free diving courses through AIDA.




No matter what your background in diving is, the AIDA1 freediver course will open your mind to a whole new underwater experience. You will learn the basic theory of Freediving and how to prepare yourself for a breath-hold dive. This course is designed to be an introduction to freediving for the complete beginner. It aims to help the student to develop basic skills, knowledge and safety procedures necessary to enjoy freediving safely within the limits of their experience.


  • Theory - Equipment, Safety

  • Breathing for freediving – Breathing exercises, Relaxation

  • Equalisation – The need to equalise and basic equalisation techniques

  • Safety for freediving - Avoiding and reacting to blackout and loss of motor control, Buddying

  • Technique - Finning / Duck diving

Duration: 1 Day
Prerequisites: Be 18 years of age or older (16 years with parent or guardian consent)







This is probably the most challenging and rewarding AIDA course. For those who are already confident in the open water this course is your starting point. The course builds a foundation of good technique and safety so that you can buddy with other AIDA2 freedivers. This course consists of two theory sessions, a pool session and three open water sessions.


  • Theory - Physiology, Depth & Pressure, Equipment, Disciplines, Safety, The Environment

  • Breathing for Freediving - Breathing Exercises, Relaxation

  • Equalisation - Depth & Pressure

  • Safety - Buddying, Black out and LMC (pool and open water)

  • Technique - Duck dive, Finning (pool and open water)

  • Pool - Static and Dynamic pool training

  • Open Water - Free Immersion, Constant Weight

Duration: 3 Days
Prerequisites: Be 18 years of age or older (16 years with parent or guardian consent)
Pass Requirements: 2:00 min Static | 40m Dynamic | 12m Constant Weight | Theory Exam (75%)







Interested in going deeper and improving your technique? This course goes into the theory of Freediving in more depth which will allow you to understand the physiology and techniques behind diving deeper. It will help you improve your freediving performance whilst advancing your safety and rescue skills. This course consists of three theory sessions, two pool sessions and four open water dives.

The aim of the course is to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to independently plan and participate in freediving activities with similarly experienced freedive buddies. AIDA3 course is also designed to develop new skills and techniques for freediving. We will be training these skills in the most common disciplines of freediving; Static Apnea, Dynamic Apnea and Constant Weight.


  • Theory - Physics, Physiology, Mammalian Diving Reflex, Ethics, Training Concepts, Planning Dive Sessions, Lung Volume Measurments

  • Equalization - Deeper equalisation using Frenzel Technique

  • Techniques - Freefall & Buoyancy, Warm Up's, CO2 Training Tables

  • Safety - Advanced Safety and Rescue Training

  • Pool - Static & Dynamic Pool Training

  • Open Water -  Free Immersion, Constant Weight

Duration: 3-4 Days
Prerequisites: Have completed the AIDA2 freediver course or equivalent. Be 18 years of age or older (16 years with parent or guardian consent)
Pass Requirements: 2:45 min Static | 55m Dynamic | 24m Constant Weight | Theory Exam (75%)




casa staff house


casa staff house


casa staff house


casa staff house


casa staff house

Contact Us

where to find us

Coral Point Diving is the only Dive Center to have a base directly on the Beach of Bayahibe downtown to welcome you in private away from the morning crowds. You will find us inside the famous ‘Barco Bar’ building, at only 5 minutes walk fromHilton Hotel La Romana.




Don't miss an opportunity to dive with us and discover beautiful Dominican reefs and wreck. Anyone wishing to visit us should have booked before arriving at the site. We accept Euros, US $ and Dominican Pesos and Credit Cards. We also accept Revolut and Paypal (plus 5% paypal fees) as form of payment. Payment for European can be done also via bank wire too

Adress: Calle la Baya, Bayahibe

Country: Dominican Republic


Tel/WhatsApp:+1 829 213 5823


Our prime location

We can admit that our shop has the best location in Bayahibe, right on the sea and this is what we see from our 'office'


Since 2012, Coral Point Diving (CPD) has been a respected Five Star PADI Career Development Center (PADI CDC)/Instructor Development Center and one of the most extensive professional scuba diver training and education centers in the Dominican Republic. With a Marine Biologist on staff and partnerships with Reef Check Dominican Republic and other local Foundations, Coral Point Diving combines professional scuba instruction with marine conservation activities.