It is vacation time, you have already chosen the place where you will spend your stay, you have booked the hotel and the flight, you just have to choose the dive center, the one which you will dive with. But what characteristics should the diving center have?
– Regardless of the place where you go and whose requirements may slightly vary from country to country, the Number 1 characteritic should be that the dive center must be registered with PADI or with any other official training Organization. Why? Simple, because only regularly registered centers have access to the mandatory insurance coverage and have the necessary permits to be able to operate legally and safely. Don’t be flexible on that this is a real requirement! Your safety is top one priority.
– Take a few minutes, if not days, to check the credentials of these dive centers on the Internet. You might want to take a look at Trip Advisor, Facebook, Instagram and Google reviews and read the comments from people who have used the properties. Do you like their reviews?
– Be wary of those who do not accept or do not offer advance bookings. Advance booking is now a fundamental tool for a dive center and for its organization. It is essential to better organize its activities and courses and thus avoid unpleasant overbooking situations. Last minute bookings often creates disorganization. Book in advance and also, if you decide to take some courses, booking in advance allows you to start the theory before leaving for your holidays.
– Check that the instructors or divemasters of the dive center understand the language you speak, especially if you decide to take courses. Check the conditions of their dive equipment: diving with regularly serviced diving equipment is definitely a safety asset that should never be ignored.
– Try to understand the dive center policy in terms of group size. Ask if the dive center is able to offer relatively customized dives with relatively small groups where then the guide or instructor can focus more attention on the divers and increase the dose of fun as well as safety.
– Last, but not least, the dive center must take care of the environment! through social networks one must perceive the attention they put towards the protection of an environment that is now evidently at risk, the sea. This factor is an important indicator of the attitude the center has towards our beloved marine world. Care for the sea is also very often synonymous customer care, do not forget it. Happy bubbles!!! #scuba #idc #PADI #diveagainstdebris #coralpointdiving #openwaterdıver #dominicanrepublic #scubadivingbayahibe #scubadivingdominicanrepublic