You have just become a Divemaster or Instructor and you can’t wait to start working. You are ready.
But, where to start?
One of the first actions you need to consider is writing a resume that is perfectly descriptive of what your skills are and at the same time convincing towards a hypothetical employer.
We will describe below 6 essential features that absolutely must not be missing in your resume/curriculum if you want to be considered for the job of your dreams.
1 Clarity. The curriculum must be clear. Not too elaborate, touch few simple and quick points. Some dive centers receive hundreds of resumes per month and to avoid being underestimated, or read quickly, you need to create a dynamic, intuitive, clear resume, with the essential points highlighted and in the right place. Let’s say the ideal length would be one page, not more.
2 Photos. A resume should theoretically show an image of you, it would be better to avoid photos of you underwater with the unrecognizable mask. Just attach a normal photo of you with a big smile. Remember the diver’s job is a job where you will be in contact with the public. Social/smile persons would be preferred.
3 Languages spoken. They are not always a relevant point, but in any international environment it can be the factor that makes the difference. Highlight them well, also mention the level at which they are spoken. If you don’t speak languages, don’t be too much worried, there may be other skills you want to mention (check next tip)
4 Extra diving skills. Mention any skills related to the diving world. They can be the most varied, ranging from the ability to maintain dive equipment to the ability in customer service, from the ability to use web marketing and graphic design programs to the possession of a captain’s license.
5 Experience. If you are an instructor, do not forget to provide a summary of the number of certifications and type issued in your career. If you are a divemaster, mention the places where you have been able to take an independent role in guiding and assisting courses or management roles covered. A professional who has traveled a lot is very well regarded for his possible versatility.
6 References. You must be able to provide references (at least 2 or 3) that the employer can quickly contact. Generally employers choose to contact diving with the highest level, 5 star, IDC or CDC if included in the list. Or dive center where they know someone.
Finally, draft a resume simple and fluent.
It doesn’t matter if you have a more or less long diving career behind you. Sometimes fresh instructors/divemasters are preferred for their genuine enthusiasm. However any past work you may have will be also evaluated. Don’t forget, attitude is all in the dive world!